SWEET - Systemic research for holistic energy solutions of tomorrow
Switzerland is facing major challenges in the energy sector. In order to implement the Energy Strategy 2050 and the climate targets and to be able to answer the increasingly complex questions, holistic system approaches are needed. Away from silo thinking and towards inter- and transdisciplinary research. This is precisely where the SWEET funding programme, which was launched by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy in 2021, comes in.
Support is provided for interlinked research and innovation projects, so-called consortia projects, in which universities, the ETH Domain and universities of applied sciences work together with public institutions - the federal government, cantons and municipalities - the private sector and other organisations. The focus is on application-oriented research in relevant subject areas and on the transfer of results from research into practice.
The Swiss Federal Energy Research Commission (CORE) also follows this systemic approach: "When launching new research topics or programmes, the Commission recommends that inter- and transdisciplinary issues be addressed. It is clear to the Commission that the challenges in the energy sector cannot be met by technological solutions alone," explains Rolf Schmitz, Co-Head of Energy Research and Cleantech at the SFOE.
Living & Working - stakeholders from the field involved from the outset
SWEET's second call for proposals on the topic of "Living & Working" is a good example of the interplay between different disciplines. The focus is on Switzerland's changing energy consumption in the future as a result of new ways of living and working, different mobility behaviour or increasing environmental awareness. In addition to technical, economic or regulatory solutions, behaviour, social norms, acceptance and changing values of the various actors play an important role.
Within the framework of "Living Labs", new scientific approaches, methods and technologies are to be implemented, tested in demonstrators and evaluated. The human being as an individual, but also as part of society and the system, represents an essential element in this. Only if science and practice work together to find solutions will it be possible to achieve the goal of low-emission, resource-conserving and efficient forms of living and working while at the same time maintaining and, if possible, increasing the quality of life.
The four cons ortia selected in the first call for proposals 1-2020 "Integration of renewable energies" launched their projects in spring 2021. This autumn, the second SWEET call for proposals will enter its second round with the guiding theme "Living & Working"
. The selected consortia will be invited to submit a full proposal. The third SWEET call 2-2021 "Critical Infrastructures" will also be launched in September. A total of CHF 60 million is available for the three calls.
Andrea Leu, Senarclens Leu and Partners, on behalf of the Federal Office of Energy
Woher kommt unser Strom?
Aus einem guten Zeitungsbeitrag ging leider nicht hervor, dass während x-tausend Stunden pro Jahr, bei Dunkelheit alle Solaranlagen gleichzeitig, kein Solarstrom liefern. Woher kommt dann unser Strom? In den übrigen Stunden können Sonne und Wind Strom liefern für die Energiewende.
Wer Beweise will, kann an jeder Solar- und Wind- Anlage an einem Zähler die addierten Stunden pro Jahr ablesen, wo Strom geliefert wurde oder nicht geliefert wurde.
„Im September wird auch die dritte SWEET-Ausschreibung 2-2021 «Kritische Infrastrukturen» lanciert.“
Ich nehme mal an, das beinhaltet auch die Versorgungssicherheit der Schweiz mit Strom. Dann ist es aber gefährlich spät, dieses Thema erst jetzt anzugehen. Praktische Sofortlösungen sind gefragt. Es ist erschreckend, bis jetzt hat unsere Regierung keinen Plan, wie 3GW sofort verfügbaren Import in Winternächten zu ersetzen. Von Frankreich und Deutschland kommt bald nichts mehr, die wollen selber importieren. Und wir wachsen von 8 auf 10 Millionen Einwohner. Und zu Tode sparen, Höhlenbewohner Dasein fristen, ist ja auch keine Option. Also wo den Pfuus hernehmen, konkret, in ein, zwei Jahren?
Warum fasst ihr diese Ansammlung von Worthülsen nicht gleich ganz in English zusammen?