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A lot has been achieved, a lot has been learned, and a lot has already been optimized - SWEET takes stock


Four calls for proposals, numerous interesting project submissions and first consortia that have started their research work: The SWEET funding program is well underway and has implemented some findings from the first call.

The first call for proposals of the new SWEET funding program was launched in June 2020, and the response was enormous: 13 consortia submitted a proposal. Four consortia were ultimately selected for funding. After this call for proposals closed, the SWEET Office conducted a survey among stakeholders to evaluate and optimize the application process. Based on the responses, SWEET officials implemented several adjustments to the solicitation and evaluation process.

"We want to learn lessons from each RFP to simplify the work for everyone involved as much as possible and focus on the essentials." Laura Ding, Evaluation and Monitoring Officer, SWEET Office

Optimization of the tender process

For example, since the second call for proposals, the selection process has taken place in two steps: Consortia submit short pre-proposals in the first step. These are evaluated on the basis of objectives, concept, methodology and potential impact. In the second step, the pre-selected consortia then submit a more detailed full proposal, which is evaluated in particular with regard to implementation.

Thanks to the two-part process, the consortia's effort is reduced. The feedback from the evaluation team on the selected pre-proposals also helps to improve the quality of the full proposals. In addition, the SWEET Office has revised the template documents for the RFPs and clarified the RFP guidelines.

Two calls completed, two under evaluation

The first call on "Integrating Renewable Energy into a Sustainable and Resilient Swiss Energy System" was closed in early 2021. The four successful consortia DeCarbCH, EDGE, PATHFNDR and SURE started work in 2021.

The first SOUR call was launched under the same guiding theme, with the aim of deliberately promoting unconventional, riskier projects. 77 project proposals reached the SWEET Office, and four SOUR projects were awarded funding following evaluation by independent experts and are now being implemented.

The research work on the topic of the second SWEET call "Living & Working" will start this year. Four consortia reached the second application round and submitted a full proposal. Which two will receive funding will be decided in spring 2022.

"We have received numerous interesting project proposals that bring important impulses for a sustainable and innovative energy future. The researchers have put a lot of work into the proposals." Nathalie Rüegg, SWEET Office

"A sustainable energy system cannot be viewed only from the perspective of energy, because it affects many other areas. That's why I'm pleased that we're working with SWEET across offices." Andreas Haselbacher, Program Development Officer, SWEET Office

In last year's call for proposals on "Critical Infrastructures, Climate Change and Resilience of the Swiss Energy System", a consortium submitted a pre-proposal. This is currently being evaluated.

What will happen next?
Further calls for proposals are in the pipeline for 2022. From the beginning of 2022, a consortium will be sought to coordinate the simulations of the individual SWEET consortia on the central theme of "Coordinatedsimulations of theSwiss energy system". A central requirement is that, in addition to technical and economic aspects, findings from the social sciences and humanities are also incorporated.

Furthermore, a call on "Sustainable Fuels" is in preparation in collaboration with the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA), to be launched in the fall of 2022. Following the call on "Critical Infrastructures," which was developed together with the National Center for Climate Services (NCCS) and the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP), this is the second collaboration across federal agencies. An interagency call for proposals is also being prepared with the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) for 2024 on the guiding theme of "Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2050".

The first SWEET conference is planned for June 15, 2022. Further information will follow in the spring.

Sara Blaser, Sprachwerk GmbH on behalf of the SWEET Office, Swiss Federal Office of Energy

All information at a glance

SWEET has its own section on the SFOE website. There you will find all information on current tenders as well as background information and the status of past tenders.

Interested parties can keep up to date with the newsletter.

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2 Kommentare
  1. Werner Bechtel
    Werner Bechtel sagte:

    Eine Kritik ist schwierig, schreibe ich zu wenig, ist diese nicht klar. Schreibe ich zu viel wird diese nicht gelesen.
    NFP70/71 und SWEET vermisse ich Speicherbedarf, Kosten, Realisierbarkeit. Ist eigentlich das wichtigste der ES2050. (SWEET Deutsche Version?)
    Bei der Vorstellung NFP70/71 in der ETH Hönggerberg haben 5 Besucher eindringlich darauf Aufmerksam gemacht, und wir bekamen keine Antwort.
    Bei verschiedenen Anlässen ETH Zürich inkl. Workshop war das kein Thema.
    Für unsere Versorgungssicherheit und das Klimaziel ist es in der Schweiz eigentlich oberste Priorität, dass unsere Stromversorgung funktioniert.
    Kurzfassung Begründung:
    CH braucht 4 TWh zusätzlicher Speicher. Die kosten, Ressourcen, Emissionen dazu sind enorm. Ich schätze 10’000 Sfr pro Person und Jahr. Das ist für unseren Wirtschaftsstandort und Einwohner nicht möglich zu leisten.
    Die Langversion, inkl. die Begründung, dass wir neue Kernenergie brauchen habe ich hier.
    Im Anbetracht, dass Strommangellage die grösste Gefahr ist, BABS und das Klimaziel wichtig ist, ist es aller höchste Priorität, dass eine Energiestrategie funktionieren muss. Probieren reicht nicht.
    Es Grüsst Euch #AtomWerni vom Klimastreik mit Slogan #Nuclear4Climate

  2. Martin Steiger
    Martin Steiger sagte:

    Inzwischen ist leider deutlich sichtbar, dass die «Energiestrategie 2050» bzw. die «Energiewende» wie auch die Klimapolitik des BFE bzw. UVEK nicht umsetzbar sind. Die logische Folge müsste sein, dass bei beidem per sofort ein Marschhalt eingelegt werden muss, um eine grundlegende Prüfung zu ermöglichen. Dieser Marschhalt für eine grundlegende Prüfung würde auch SWEET und SOUR betreffen. Subventionen aller Art müssen insbesondere hinreichend begründet sei und ermöglichen, den jeweiligen Zweck zu erreichen.


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