
"Solar construction is no longer just a moral duty, but a wish, a dream and a reality," is how Axel Simon, the editor, concludes the editorial of the fourth Solaris issue of Hochparterre in partnership with SuisseEnergie. An edition on solar energy in education, an edition that gives the floor to four women professors and architects.

This time, solar architecture is highlighted by projects at Swiss architectural schools. Here, too, things are changing: students are increasingly being asked to design energy-related projects. Social responsibility, energy efficiency, sustainability, climate change, aesthetics, functionality, sustainability, etc. - all of these components are now considered as a harmonious whole.

And in practice? Solaris#04 brings together and presents around ten projects by students from Swiss universities of architecture. While some of the projects are already feasible, others seem to take a visionary look at the world of the future. It's up to you to judge!

The opening of Solaris#04 will take place on 17 September (in German) at the University of Lucerne (HSLU). The event will deal with the topic of solar architecture in education.

The thematic booklet "Solaris#04" is available in French, German and Italian.

Joëlle Fahrni, Renewable Energy Section, SFOE

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1 Antwort
  1. Philippe Huber
    Philippe Huber sagte:

    Tout cela ne sera que de l’argent dépensé inutilement et qui ne fera qu’empirer le réchauffement climatique, si on n’installe pas une grosse batterie ou un electrolyseur aussi dans la cave.
    Mais alors l’électricité solaire n’est plus concurrentielle du tout et même aggrave le problème et donc personne ne le dit au et fort et surtout pas le lobby solaire …


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