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The first call for proposals of the wind energy research programme is being issued jointly with the Energy – Economy – Society (EES) programme. The aim is to promote the engagement of local stakeholders in order to foster the deployment of wind energy in Switzerland accounting for evolutions in the regulatory framework conditions.

The call for proposals is a one-stage process; the submission deadline is September 12. All the necessary information can be found here: Calls for tenders ( and on the pages of the research programmes.

Katja Maus, Energy Research and Cleantech Section, Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Picture: Suisse Eole, Juvent ©Corinne Aeberhard

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The Energy – Economy – Society (EES/EWG) research programme promotes application-oriented research in the field of energy policy. To this end the EES focuses on economic, social, psychological and political issues throughout the energy sector supply chain. EES elaborates calls to fund innovative socio-economic research projects that address relevant energy-policy questions for Switzerland. Weiterlesen

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Neuf mois s’étant déjà écoulés, mon stage universitaire dans le service Formation et Perfectionnement de chez SuisseEnergie s’est terminé la semaine dernière. Le programme SuisseEnergie de la Confédération cherche à encourager les mesures volontaires pour utiliser l’énergie de manière rationnelle et recourir aux énergies renouvelables. Dans ce cadre, les quatre personnes composant le service Formation et Perfectionnement mènent diverses activités pour s’assurer qu’il y ait à l’avenir du personnel qualifié en nombre suffisant afin d’atteindre les objectifs énergétiques et climatiques de la Confédération. Weiterlesen

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The Energy – Economy – Society (EES/EWG) research program promotes application-oriented research in the field of energy policy. To this end, the EES focuses on economic, social, psychological and political issues throughout the energy sector supply chain. EES elaborates calls to fund innovative socio-economic research projects that address relevant energy-policy questions for Switzerland. Weiterlesen

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