The Swiss-Japan Energy Days 2024 conference, scheduled for September 10-11, 2024, at ETH Zürich and Swissnex in Japan, is set to address the pressing challenges in the energy sectors of both countries. Dr. Felix Moesner, Swiss Consul & CEO of Swissnex in Japan, discusses the importance of this event and its anticipated impact. Weiterlesen
Schlagwortarchiv für: industrial
Où en sont les villes dans leur transition énergétique? (partie 2)
„Villes fortes“ est le slogan du Congrès des services publics 2022 à Aarau. Dans quelle mesure les villes se présentent-elles comme fortes dans le domaine de l’énergie? Quelles solutions adoptent-elles pour la protection du climat et pour un système énergétique durable? Où se situent-elles sur la voie de l’objectif zéro net en 2050? Energeiaplus a posé la question à sept villes suisses. Les quatre premières se trouvent dans la première partie de cet article et voici les trois suivantes francophones et italophones. Conclusion: les villes sont très actives dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables, des systèmes de chauffage alternatifs ou de la mobilité électrique. Weiterlesen

The extraction of gas molecules from a gas mixture and their adsorption onto a solid plays an important role in many industrial processes. In many cases, technical systems are used today for these adsorption processes that are oversized for their task. This consumes unnecessarily high amounts of adsorption materials, investment resources and energy. To avoid this, a team of researchers from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has developed a model and an associated guideline. They help process engineers to better design the appropriate dimensions of gas purification and gas recovery plants in proportion with requirements. The scientists estimate the potential energy savings at 25 to 30 percent.
Read the full specialist article (also in German): „Using Activated Carbon & Co Efficiently“.
Benedikt Vogel, on behalf of the SFOE

Kohle, Öl, Gas: Vier Schlaglichter zur Geschichte der fossilen Energien in der Schweiz
Seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts beruht die Energieversorgung der Schweiz hauptsächlich auf fossilen Energien. Um 1850 wurde die Kohle zum zentralen Energieträger der Industriegesellschaft. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde die Kohle dann durch das Erdöl abgelöst. Weiterlesen

Geothermal energy is already used intensively in Switzerland, mainly by means of geothermal probes that collect heat from the ground to provide heat and hot water for buildings. However, the heat from deeper layers of the earth is hardly used: If one were to drill 1000 m and deeper, one would come across an enormous heat reservoir that can be used for heating purposes, industrial processes and electricity production. Weiterlesen

New Call for Research Proposals in the area of “Energy Efficiency in Industry”
Energy efficiency is at the core of the transition towards a more resilient and sustainable energy system. It takes innovative solutions to reduce industrial energy consumption to a level where the remaining demand can be supplied from renewable sources.
In response to this challenge, the SFOE research programme on Industrial Processes dedicates one million Swiss Francs to a competitive call for application-oriented research proposals in the area of industrial energy efficiency. Expecting that successful projects will deliver publicly assessable results with the potential to generate significant positive impacts. Weiterlesen

The Swiss initiative on Hydropower at IRENA Assembly – a success story
The Ministerial Plenary Session on Hydropower, held at the 10th General Assembly (GA) of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) on 12 January 2020, was a key success for the Swiss delegation. Switzerland, together with the International Hydropower Association (IHA), the World Bank, Norway and other IRENA member countries, co-organized the Ministerial Plenary Session. It built on the first ever IRENA Hydropower Event, which was initiated by Switzerland and took place at the 9th GA in January 2019. Weiterlesen

Topmotors offre per la prima volta un Webinar in lingua italiana. Roberto Rossi (CSD Ingegneri SA) presenta una conferenza di 30 minuti sul tema: «Motori elettrici in industrie e servizi industriali». Dopo l’intervento, si offre ai partecipanti l’opportunità di partecipare in modo interattivo e porre delle domande. Le tematiche trattate riguardano le condizioni quadro e le opportunità e l’efficienza dei motori elettrici, gli strumenti offerti dal programma Topmotors e le possibilità di partecipazione a programmi di incentivi offerti alle industrie ed ai servizi in particolare dalla Confederazione. La conferenza è pensata come introduzione alla tematica e, senza entrare nei dettagli tecnici, vuole essere uno stimolo ad iniziare un percorso di efficienza energetica nella propria impresa. Weiterlesen

Next-generation rooftop solar panels achieve record efficiency
The Swiss company Insolight is taking a whole new approach to creating high-efficiency solar modules for the rooftop market. Its patented optical system concentrates light onto an array of tiny spacegrade multi-junction photovoltaic cells. While today’s rooftop standard modules typically show an efficiency of 17-19%, Insolight’s pre-production module has been validated at an impressive 29% by the Universidad Politécinica de Madrid (IES-UPM), two years after a first record on a lab prototype. The company based at the EPFL Innovation Park has taken a decisive step towards industrialization with its first pre-production full-size series, cost-effective and compatible with existing assembly equipment.

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Medienmitteilungen des BFE
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- UVEK legt WACC für Stromnetze für das Tarifjahr 2026 fest
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- Bundesrat setzt zweites Paket des Bundesgesetzes für eine sichere Stromversorgung in Kraft
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