Schlagwortarchiv für: Grid

The Swiss company Insolight is taking a whole new approach to creating high-efficiency solar modules for the rooftop market. Its patented optical system concentrates light onto an array of tiny spacegrade multi-junction photovoltaic cells. While today’s rooftop standard modules typically show an efficiency of 17-19%, Insolight’s pre-production module has been validated at an impressive 29% by the Universidad Politécinica de Madrid (IES-UPM), two years after a first record on a lab prototype. The company based at the EPFL Innovation Park has taken a decisive step towards industrialization with its first pre-production full-size series, cost-effective and compatible with existing assembly equipment.


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Cette année, l’Office fédéral de l’énergie remet à nouveau début janvier le Watt d’Or pour des performances énergétiques remarquables. Pour cette douzième édition, cinq prix sont remis à des projets innovants permettant de faire évoluer le monde de l’énergie en Suisse. Voici une courte présentation des projets titrés pour 2019 par le jury:


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The 2nd China-Switzerland Energy Working Group took place in Beijing, Hangzhou and Yichang end of November 2018. The event built on the successful 1st Meeting which was held in Switzerland in October 2017. The Working Group has its foundation in a Memorandum of Understanding for energy cooperation signed during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Switzerland in January 2017.


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