The extraction of gas molecules from a gas mixture and their adsorption onto a solid plays an important role in many industrial processes. In many cases, technical systems are used today for these adsorption processes that are oversized for their task. This consumes unnecessarily high amounts of adsorption materials, investment resources and energy. To avoid this, a team of researchers from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has developed a model and an associated guideline. They help process engineers to better design the appropriate dimensions of gas purification and gas recovery plants in proportion with requirements. The scientists estimate the potential energy savings at 25 to 30 percent.

Read the full specialist article (also in German): „Using Activated Carbon & Co Efficiently“.

Benedikt Vogel, on behalf of the SFOE

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People who fuel up with diesel or gasoline sometimes don’t even know that it contains biofuel. This is because small portions of biofuel do not have to be declared. Biogenic fuels account for almost 7% (diesel) and nearly 3% (gasoline) of the fuel sold in Switzerland. In the coming years, they could make a growing contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the mobility sector. This is thanks to their biogenic origin, but also to efficiency improvements in adapted engines. This is shown in a new study by a team of researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa). Weiterlesen

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At first glance, one would hardly believe that a simple water tank could be enough to bring heat from summer into winter. But in fact, a storage tank with a volume of 12 cubic meters or more is enough to supply an apartment with heat and hot water from solar collectors for the entire winter. Because such storage solutions have been relatively expensive up to now, scientists from the universities in Rapperswil and Lucerne have been searching for ways to make the technology more economical in two research projects. Weiterlesen

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Geothermal energy is already used intensively in Switzerland, mainly by means of geothermal probes that collect heat from the ground to provide heat and hot water for buildings. However, the heat from deeper layers of the earth is hardly used: If one were to drill 1000 m and deeper, one would come across an enormous heat reservoir that can be used for heating purposes, industrial processes and electricity production. Weiterlesen

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The Swiss Environment and Energy Innovation Monitor carried out an online survey amongst 129 Swiss startups from the Energy and Environment sectors following a similar survey in 2020 focusing on COVID-19 effects, their work organisation, financing challenges and internationalization plans. Weiterlesen

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Sustainable propulsion systems for passenger and freight vehicles are one of the major challenges in reshaping Switzerland’s energy supply. Among the multitude of technical problems is the development of compact turbo compressors, which play a central role in hydrogen-powered electric trucks, for example. Weiterlesen

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Energy efficiency is at the core of the transition towards a more resilient and sustainable energy system. It takes innovative solutions to reduce industrial energy consumption to a level where the remaining demand can be supplied from renewable sources.

In response to this challenge, the SFOE research programme on Industrial Processes dedicates one million Swiss Francs to a competitive call for application-oriented research proposals in the area of industrial energy efficiency. Expecting that successful projects will deliver publicly assessable results with the potential to generate significant positive impacts. Weiterlesen

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Wind turbines belong at locations with good wind, that goes without saying. In order for the wind to be converted into a good electricity yield, wind turbine operators must take numerous factors into account. Weiterlesen

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India provides unprecedented opportunities to scale solar and wind power, making it one of the forerunners of a world heading towards a sustainable future. However, there is one basic challenge that India must face: the intermittency of renewables. The article by Peter Freudenstein, an energy and climate change policy analyst and a Mercator Fellow, suggests methods that India can adopt to solve its problem. Weiterlesen

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Does your company wish to engage in research and development of CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) or Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technologies?
Do you want to gear up, contribute to Switzerland’s climate-neutrality by 2050, and strengthen Switzerland’s role as a hub of innovation in low and negative emission technologies?
Do you want to undertake pilot and demonstration projects together with European, US-American and Indian partners, as well as innovators from the Canadian province of Alberta? Weiterlesen

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