Worldwide Living Labs are increasingly adopted to address urban challenges. They are projects or experiments devised to design, test and learn from innovative socio-technical practices (i.e. “new ways of doing something”), with a diversity of stakeholders and in real-life conditions. However, they tend to focus on small-scale performance tests or technology-user interactions, and are mostly neglecting the larger social-institutional context that surrounds them. Weiterlesen
Schlagwortarchiv für: report
Vom 10. bis 12. Juni 2019 tagte das Board of Governors (BoG) der Internationalen Atomenergie Agentur (IAEA) zum zweiten Mal in diesem Jahr in Wien. Der Governeursrat liess sich von Generaldirektor (GD) Amano über den Stand der Technischen Kooperation, der nuklearen Sicherheit und Sicherung, der nuklearen Anwendungen sowie der Verifikation und Monitoring informieren. Im weiteren Fokus standen die Aktivitäten der Agentur in der Technischen Kooperation (TC), einem Schlüsselbereich der IAEA, der Beiträge zu den Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) der Vereinten Nationen leistet. Weiterlesen

Energy efficiency is the first fuel in a modern, global energy system
Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency IEA, presents the IEA market report on Energy Efficiency 2018 and emphasizes that energy efficiency needs to have a seat at the big table, when it comes to major global decisions about energy in the 21st century.

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