The Swiss-Japan Energy Days 2024 conference, scheduled for September 10-11, 2024, at ETH Zürich and Swissnex in Japan, is set to address the pressing challenges in the energy sectors of both countries. Dr. Felix Moesner, Swiss Consul & CEO of Swissnex in Japan, discusses the importance of this event and its anticipated impact. Weiterlesen
Schlagwortarchiv für: greenhouse gas
People who fuel up with diesel or gasoline sometimes don’t even know that it contains biofuel. This is because small portions of biofuel do not have to be declared. Biogenic fuels account for almost 7% (diesel) and nearly 3% (gasoline) of the fuel sold in Switzerland. In the coming years, they could make a growing contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the mobility sector. This is thanks to their biogenic origin, but also to efficiency improvements in adapted engines. This is shown in a new study by a team of researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa). Weiterlesen

Die Wärme aus der Erde ist gewissermassen seine Mission. Seit 2008 engagiert sich Gunter Siddiqi beim Bundesamt für Energie (BFE) für die Energie aus dem Untergrund. Ausgebildet als Geologe und Geophysiker, hatte er als Produktionsingenieur elf Jahre lang für den internationalen Energiekonzern Shell in Geothermie- und Erdölprojekten gearbeitet, bei denen neue Produktionsmethoden zur Anwendung kamen. Weiterlesen

Energy efficiency is the first fuel in a modern, global energy system
Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency IEA, presents the IEA market report on Energy Efficiency 2018 and emphasizes that energy efficiency needs to have a seat at the big table, when it comes to major global decisions about energy in the 21st century.

Bundesamt für Energie
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3063 Ittigen
Bundesamt für Energie
3003 Bern
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Pressestelle +41 58 460 81 52