The participants of the Swiss-US Energy Innovation Days dove into their first day with exceptional enthusiasm. After brief welcoming speeches by Daniel Seelhofer (Vice Dean, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Marianne Zuend (Swiss Federal Office of Energy), Myriam Barsuglia (Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects SIA), Peter Qvist-Sorensen (ZHAW School of Management), the impressive group of 120 broke up into 4 separate workshops: Society & Economy, Energy Technologies, Mobility, and Architecture & Space, led by chairs Linda Looft, Peter Richner, Nick Nigro, and Arno Schlueter respectively. When asked for first impressions of the discussions led in each workshop, all the chairs were delighted at the insightfulness and passion presented in each group (watch videos on, and are excited to continue the discussion this morning in the second workshop session. Weiterlesen
Schlagwortarchiv für: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – School of Engineering and Architecture
August 19, 2015 – Yesterday evening marked the launch of the Swiss-US Energy Innovation Days 2015. The delegates from the U.S. gathered for a welcome cocktail to meet their fellow innovators from Switzerland with whom they will be discussing current and future energy solutions during the next three days. The group included around fifty high-level representatives from cleantech companies, universities, associations, and the government. Switzerland is known for its forward thinking in green technology making it an ideal place to combine ideas and share thoughts. Weiterlesen

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